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Shockwave Blade Pistol Stabilizer

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Shockwave is proud to introduce the patent-pending Blade pistol stabilizer. Made from high-strength glass-reinforced polymer, the Blade is manufactured to exacting tolerances and fits the KAK shockwave tube. No half-hour installation process. Just slip it on and tighten the large set screw for a rock-solid installation.

This veteran-designed and U.S.A.-manufactured shooting aid improves your marksmanship by providing additional support of your pistol while you still hold and operate it with one hand. The Blade incorporates a vertical “fin,” which you stabilize against the inside of your forearm when in the firing position. Or, you can stabilize the Blade against your cheek for a perfect, steady sight picture.


– Fits kak shockwave tube
– Quick and easy to install
– Provides additional support during firing
– Weighs a scant 5.0 ounces
– ATF approved for pistol use
– Veteran designed, engineered, marketed, and sold
– Made in U.S.A.